Dragon of Cygnus
An infrequently imaged region in the constellation Cygnus, it is rich in Hydrogen Alpha as well as in Sulfur II, though has some nice traces of Oxygen III (coloured blue in the image). There are a few DSOs within the image, such as the Oxygen-rich supernova remnant, W63 (from the Westerhouse catalogue), which can be seen towards the bottom left of the frame. Towards the right side of the frame, there is the propeller nebula (DWB 111). But of particular interest to me is the fact that this region kind of looks like the face of a dragon. Fascinating how we see such strange patterns in massive clouds of interstellar gas.
6h Ha
5h Sii
9h Oiii -
120 gain, 30 offset, -10°C, 2x2 bin
Imaging cam - ZWO asi294mm pro
Filter - Baader CMOS-optimized 6.5nm SHO filters
Guiding cam - ZWO asi290mm mini
Imaging scope - WO RedCat51
Guidescope - Starfield 60mm
Mount - EQ6-R Pro
Stacked and processed in Pixinsight and Photoshop
Montreal, Canada (Bortle 9) and Tremblant (Bortle 3, for 3 hours of Oiii)
August 18th, 2022