Leo’s Triplet Galaxy Cluster
This group of galaxies is found about 35 million light-years away (unfathomably far away), in the constellation Leo, hence the name. The three galaxies are Messier 65 (top right), Messier 66 (bottom right) and NGC 3628, aka the Hamburger galaxy (left). With only 2.3 hours of integration time, I couldn't pull out too much detail, but I still enjoy the result, especially the galactic tidal stream around messier 66.
69 x 2 minuted (2 hours 18 minutes)
120 gain, 30 offset, -10°C, 1x1 bin
Imaging cam - ZWO asi294mc pro
Filter - UV/IR cut
Guiding cam - ZWO asi120mm mini
Imaging scope - Ioptron 6” Ritchey Chrétien Telescope
Focal Reducer - Astro-Physics CCDT67
Guidescope - Starfield 60mm
Mount - Celestron AVX
Stacked and processed in Pixinsight and Photoshop
The Laurentians, Canada (Bortle ~4)
March 26th, 2021