Messier 81 & 82
Bode’s galaxy, or Messier 81 (right side), is a grand design galaxy roughly the same size as our own Milky Way.
The Cigar galaxy, or Messier 82 (left side), is a starburst galaxy that is significantly smaller than our galaxy, although it is significantly more luminous.
Both are in the constellation Ursa Major, and are about 12 million light years (~1 x 10^20 km) away from us.
106 x 3 minutes (5.3 hours)
120 gain, 30 offset, -20°C, 1x1 bin
Imaging cam - ZWO asi294mc pro
Filter - UV/IR cut
Guiding cam - ZWO asi120mm mini
Imaging scope - Ioptron 6” Ritchey Chrétien Telescope
Focal Reducer - Astro-Physics CCDT67
Guidescope - Starfield 60mm
Mount - Celestron AVX
Stacked and processed in Pixinsight and Photoshop
The Laurentians, Canada (Bortle ~4)
March 30th, 2021