The Flaming Tadpole
A massive emission nebula region located within the constellation Auriga, containing several well-known targets.
From left to right, there's the Flaming Star Nebula (IC 405), the Tadpole Nebula (IC 410) and the Spider & Fly Nebula (IC 417 & NGC 1931).
Mapped to Hubble palette (SHO).
60 x 300sec Ha (5h)
48 x 300sec Oiii (4h)
48 x 300sec Sii (4h)
Total: 13h
120 gain, 30 offset, -15°C, 2x2 bin
Imaging cam - ZWO asi294mm pro
Filter - Baader CMOS-optimized 6.5nm H-alpha, Oiii & Sii filters.
Guiding cam - ZWO asi290mm mini
Imaging scope - WO RedCat51
Guidescope - Starfield 60mm
Mount - AVX
Stacked and processed in Pixinsight and Photoshop
Montreal, Canada (Bortle 9)
January 31st, 2022